Leg and Foot Pain

Meralgiya parestetika
Ant trsl tnnl syndrome
Post tarsl tnnl syndrome.
Neurogenic claudication
Groin. Under the skirt. And we call meralgia parestetika in a situation which is felt as burning many times seen in burning and numbness on the thigh front. Here is the cramp of the groin nerve. we encounter this condition after inguinal hernia surgery in some of the patients. It is also described in people with belly. They say that my belly is comfortably lifted up with my hands. The drugs here are neural therapy (medicated needles made in this area) and burning of the nerve by open surgery (in the absence of that nerve sense of that region, only that region is 4-6 months lethargic)
An anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition with pain and numbness spreading to the leg fronts and upper legs. There is no pain and numbness on the soles of the feet. Drugs are relieved of the tight nerve here by open surgery in cases of neural therapy (medication needle made in that area) and treatment resistant
We call posterior tarsal tunnel syndrome when there is pain and burning on the inside of the foot and on the soles of the feet. Here there are inflammable paints on the soles of the feet. The nights can be very disturbing. Therapeutic medicines here. When neural therapy and treatment-resistant conditions melt in the foot pit, the neuron-compressing bridge is disconnected by open surgery (it does not lead to a deficiency).
Neurogenic claudication (neural clumping). When a person who is painless stops walking after a 500-step walk, severe pain appears on his or her calves. When the rest stops for a while, severe pain starts to appear in a short time. This condition can also be seen in leg artery obstruction. But listening to a good patient. Examination and examination of leg-to-leg vein flow (color doppler examination). Vascular surgeons treat the vein problem (usually very early and sometimes very urgent) and often have a backbone stenosis by performing waist abdominal examinations and, if necessary, enmg (electric needle nail sense and strength examination). If the patient is not able to walk a hundred steps (100 steps), if the conditions are appropriate, the operation of the spinal canal stenosis is absolutely necessary.

Last update: 17 Jan 2024

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